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October 6, 2021

Learn to Skydive Solo with Us!

Learn to Skydive Solo with Us!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to jump out of a plane… all by yourself?

That’s right, all by yourself. No-one strapped to your back, no-one else to pull the parachute for you, and no-one else to guide you back to the ground under canopy.

It sounds scary, but the feeling you’ll get once your feet touch the ground is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. A tandem skydive is truly incredible. But plunging solo? Well that’s a whole new league of euphoria.

Our skydive school lets you learn at your own pace with dedicated skydive instructors guiding you to your first independent freefall. This course not only equips you with a skillset most can’t fathom, but connects you with fellow freefallers—your very own wolf pack of the wild kind. 

This internationally recognised AFF skydive course involves up to nine hours of comprehensive ground training before your first jump at Stage 1. Our highly qualified skydive instructors help you develop your skydive skills every step, at a pace that you feel comfortable with. If you’re eager, you’ll be flying solo quicker than you can say ‘jump’.

Many of our AFF students have gone on to become world class skydivers or instructors. Others just carry on jumping solo with a plane load of enthusiasm. 

Ready to join them? We’re waiting for you!

Click here to check out the current offer we have running to save $$ on your AFF course.